Small Kazakhstani Painting

Claimed Object #15

The day I met you, you immediately asked where I was from. I felt very special by your impressive comment about your travel to Iran and how you were received by Iranians. That day once more it was proved to me how the effect of our actions go beyond time and space and I believe that also goes for the connection between people. Some of my deep friendships started right as I was saying goodbye!

There’s a bookstore here called City of Asylum at Alphabet City. Three simple but beautiful rooms connected together for everyone to comfortably read and purchase books, to attend the discussions and other events and to eat (very important!). I went there in July when I was visiting Pittsburgh and interestingly, you were one of the few people I imagined were invited to discuss and sign their books. I had no idea you were working on a new book! Who knows? It might happen 🙂

I really appreciate your effort to send one of the objects. If you don’t mind, I like to have the painting. I like it because it doesn’t trigger any feelings attached to any memory. If it makes any sense.


Dear Jeff,

I received your Kazakstani painting on Saturday. However the night before I realized I hadn’t read its story! I loved the simple and delicate story of the painting and I have respect for it. I don’t know if you believe in fate or things that are meant to happen. I do. I’ve always thought everything is alive and everything has its own fate. It’s interesting how the items you collected from all over the world are traveling and finding new homes. You received it from a woman in Kazakistan and you passed it onto another woman from pretty much the same part of the world. Now I know why I like the painting. It reminds me of a body of water (like a seasonal shallow lake) in Tilden Park. After each hike, I used to sit on a nearby bench and just watch and absorb the beauty of the scenery.

Jeff, thanks for sharing your stories!

Happy Yalda (winter solstice)! Happy any holiday you celebrate! And Happy New Year!

Foroozan T., Pittsburg, PA